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Storm in the Trossachs Campaign

Beschrijving: Beschrijving: Beschrijving: H:\Warhammer\BotB CAmpain\site\bar_orange_black.jpg

Main Rules

Ruleset - Ruleset for the Storm in Trossachs campaign

FAQ - FAQ for the Storm in Trossachs campaign

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Player Types describes the type of players in the campain

Veteran points - info on Veteran Points

Spoilsspoils of war table for winning battles

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Maps and spoils of war list

Terrain Map - General map of the Terrain Types

Territories - Territorial ownership map

Spoils Balance – shows a list of who got which spoils of war

Pictures - pictures of battles!

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General storyline (in progress)

Lizardmen Slazec

Orcs and Goblins Circus

Orcs and Goblins Bavariork

Warriors of chaos Pascal (passive no storyline yet)

Highelves (passive no storyline yet)

Darkelves (passive no storyline yet)

Empire (passive no storyline yet)

Woodelves (passive no storyline yet)

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Battle reports

Battlereport tile 3 op 28 oktober 2012

Battlereport Tile 4 op 15 november 2012

BattleReport No tile op 22 december 2012

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Starting battle Multiple player Storm of Magic

De koning is dood leve de koning - start scenario campaign (translation in English will follow)

De koning is dood leve de koning_unexpected Events - de onverwachte gebeurtenissen tijdens start scenario (translation in English will follow)


Battle weekend subcampaign

During a battleweekend 6 players formed up 2 teams. The theme of the weekend was an invading (Darkelf)

army from another island. This subcampain used various tablesetups and an event to decide who played against who.

Storyline and scenario rules

Battle at Sea table setup

Beachhead table setup

Discussiondiscussion about how the scenarios can be improved